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NRA Certified Firearms Instructor Dave O. will teach your lesson!

Hello, and thank you for checking out my Firearms Training page.  My name is Dave O., the Owner and President of Blackstone Investigations Group, LLC. As you know, my background includes both Law Enforcement training and experience, as well as weapons and tactics training, I received while serving as a Military Police Officer in the United States Marine Corps. And now, you have the opportunity to learn the same skills needed to protect your home and your family! I am glad you’re here.

My goal is quite simple, teach students the proper techniques of how to safely and effectively handle a pistol in a relaxed comfortable setting

Americans own pistols today for many different reasons. Some people compete in the various types of pistol shooting matches held throughout the country, other own pistols for personal protection. A new shooter, like yourself, will quickly discover that pistol shooting is fun! It is a sport that requires good hand/eye coordination, mental concentration, and discipline. The purpose for taking lessons is to learn the safe and proper use of a pistol so that it can be enjoyed to the fullest extent.

Are you ready? Let’s Go!

Below is a list of the basic fundamentals of shooting that I teach in every 1 hr. pistol lesson.

Step 1: HAND AND EYE DOMINANCE: We will start the lesson by determining your dominant eye. Shooting any firearm involves coordination between the eyes and hands. For most shooters, the best shooting is accomplished by firing the gun with the dominant hand and aiming with the dominant eye.

Step 2: TWO HANDED GRIP: This is the most important step. There are many shooting positions which may be used for firing a pistol, some of which are specific to certain shooting disciplines. For most pistol shooting activities, a two-handed grip will be sued. This type of grip provides more control of the firearm, steadier aiming, better recoil absorption, and stronger gun retention.

Step 3: AIMING: Aiming is the process of aligning a firearm with a target so that a bullet fired from that firearm will strike the target where desired. In other words, the point of aim will determine the point of impact. Aiming is accomplished by using the guns sights. Pretty simple.

Step 4: CONTROL YOUR BREATHING: Breath control is the method used to minimize gun movement due to breathing. With each breath, your ribcage expands, and your shoulders rise slightly. This movement is transmitted into your arms, causing your pistol to shift position in relation to the target.

Step 5: HOLD CONTROL: Maximum accuracy is achieved when the firearm is held motionless during the process of aiming and firing. Hold control is the method by which the body and the gun are held as still as possible during the period of time when the shot is fired.

Step 6: TRIGGER CONTROL: Trigger control is one of the most important fundamentals of shooting. The term refers to the technique of pulling the trigger without causing any movement of the aligned sights. Proper trigger control is achieved by applying gradually increasing pressure to the trigger until the shot is fired. The goal of this techniques to produce a “surprise break”, in which the shooter cannot predict the exact moment the gun will fire.

Step 7: FOLLOW THROUGH: The concept of follow through is common to many sports, such as golf, tennis, baseball etc. In shooting, follow-through is the effort made by the shooter to integrate, maintain, and continue all shooting fundamentals before, during and immediately after firing the shot.

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