Private Client Services
- Co-Habitation/Alimony
- Teen Troubles
- Family Matters
- Cheating Spouse Surveillance
- Computer Forensics
- Pre-Marital Investigations
Cheating Spouse Surveillance & Signs
Having doubts that your spouse is not being completely honest with you about their whereabouts or who they are spending time with? If so, Blackstone Investigations Group, LLC can show you the clues you need to look for to start getting answers. Our firm specializes in training clients on what to look for in a cheating spouse and we will help find the answers you deserve while obtaining the evidence to back it up! BIG surveillance teams use the latest technology including social media penetration, decoys, GPS tracking and live decoys. If you’re concerned that your spouse or significant other is having an affair, contact us right so we can formulate a plan to get you the answers you need and deserve! In the meantime, here are a few things to pay special attention to:
- Less Intimacy
- Business Trips
- Extra Grooming
- Changing Habits
- Holiday Absences
- Excessive Overtime
- Hang-Up Phone Calls
- Coded Text Messages
- Leaving Early
- Buying Jewelry
- Secretive Accounts
- Returning Home Late
- Hidden Bills and Letters
- Unexplained Expenditures
- Buying Unexplained Items
“After 25 years of marriage I personally went through a very difficult divorce. I have personal experience with this subject and will do my best to get you the answers and proof needed to help your case.”
Alimony arrangements can be infuriating when the alimony recipient secretly cohabitates with a new partner. Often times, this will result in one of two untenable situations: the alimony recipient may be using their alimony disbursements to financially support the new partner; or the alimony recipient may be receiving cash payments of financial support from the new partner, while concealing significant changes in their own finances.
Co-habitation is an area where divorce and dissolution become extremely messy. According to the laws in New Jersey, Cohabitation is defined as “a mutually supportive, intimate personal relationship in which a couple has undertaken duties and privileges that are commonly associated with marriage”.
It is a common misconception that a Cohabitation analysis begins and ends with the question, “Is the receiving ex-spouse living with his/her new partner”? It is important to note that the receiving ex-spouse and his/her partner may be considered Cohabitaion even if they aren’t living together! In New Jersey, the alimony statute lays out several factors the Court must consider in determining whether the ex-spouse receiving alimony is Cohabitation.
N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23 states the following factors must be considered in determining cohabitation, with respect to the receiving ex-spouse and his/her partner:
- Sharing household chores;
- Sharing or having joint responsibility for living expenses;
- Recognition of the relationship in the couples social and family circles;
- Intertwined finances such as joint bank accounts and other joint holding or liabilities;
- Living together, the frequency of contact, the duration of the relationship, and other signs of mutually supportive intimate personal relationship.
It is only after considering all of these factors that the court can make a determination regarding Cohabitation. If the court determines that Cohabitation exists in the receiving ex-spouses new relationship, there may be a warrant for a modification in the existing alimony agreement.
If you feel that you’re ex-spouse’s current living arrangements may meet the criteria for a Cohabitation case, do not hesitate to call us immediately so we can get right to work and get you the justice you deserve! Call today.
Pre-Marital Investigations
In today’s fast paced world of dating, the rules have changed and with the myriad of on-line dating services and sites, not everyone is who they say they are. Blackstone Investigations Group can perform comprehensive background investigations to make sure your new date (or that of a loved one) does not have anything in their past they aren’t revealing. Sometimes that bad feeling about a loved one’s significant other is completely justified. Find out the truth for your peace of mind and to protect your future. Call us today to find out if you’re concerns are warranted!
Family Matters
Child Custody/Child Support
The welfare of children is always of utmost concern. In a divorce situation or separation, the parent awarded custody may not be suitable as the primary care giver. In some cases, even visitation may not be appropriate. The other parent may have started dating someone with a questionable past or possible criminal background, or may be using a baby sitter who might not be fit to care for your children. BIG can inconspicuously follow a parent during their planned visitation to determine if any illicit or inappropriate activity that is happening while your child is in the other parent’s care. Our investigators can also follow and videotape the other parent on their own free time to document and investigate their lifestyle, daily activities, living conditions and persons they associate with.
A change in circumstances may also warrant a change in child support payments. If you suspect that the award of the court ordered child support did not accurately reflect the other parent’s ability to pay, or that the financial circumstances of that parent have changed for the better, BIG will document the necessary evidence of lifestyle, income, and assets needed to build a case to substantiate your claim.
Teen Troubles
Teen Trace has become ever increasing for parents who want to discreetly monitor their teen’s activities. Whether you are concerned with drug use, gang violence, peer-pressure, location conflicts, or maybe you’re teen is simply hanging with the “wrong crowd”, our investigators can quickly and discreetly provide you with the necessary truths to keep your teen safe. From deep penetration on social websites to surveillance, BIG can help you be a proactive parent and put your mind at ease. If you’re having troubles with your teen and need our assistance feel free to call us today!
Computer Forensics
Our Professional Investigators will locate and retrieve deleted and non-deleted data from your desktop, laptop, tablet, i-Pad, and more.
- Emails
- Social Media
- Pornography
- Chat Pictures
- Internet History
- Dating Site Activity
- Financial Documents
- Desktop Surveillance
- Password Protected Files
- File / Document Recovery
- Business / Employee Misconduct